nikola.plugins.task package

Tasks for Nikola. Submodules nikola.plugins.task.archive module

Classify the posts in archives.

class nikola.plugins.task.archive.Archive

Bases: Taxonomy

Classify the post archives.

add_other_languages_variable = True
always_disable_atom = True
always_disable_rss = True
apply_to_pages = False
apply_to_posts = True
classification_name = 'archive'
classify(post, lang)

Classify the given post for the given language.


Given a classification, return a list of parts in the hierarchy.

get_classification_friendly_name(classification, lang, only_last_component=False)

Extract a friendly name from the classification.


Return a list of classification strings which should always appear in posts_per_classification.

get_other_language_variants(classification, lang, classifications_per_language)

Return a list of variants of the same classification in other languages.

get_path(classification, lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the given classification.

has_hierarchy = True
include_posts_from_subhierarchies = True
include_posts_into_hierarchy_root = True
minimum_post_count_per_classification_in_overview = 1
more_than_one_classifications_per_post = False
name = 'classify_archive'
omit_empty_classifications = False
overview_page_variable_name = 'archive'
path_handler_docstrings = {'archive': 'Link to archive path, name is the year.\n\n        Example:\n\n        link://archive/2013 => /archives/2013/index.html', 'archive_atom': False, 'archive_index': False, 'archive_rss': False}
postprocess_posts_per_classification(posts_per_classification_per_language, flat_hierarchy_per_lang=None, hierarchy_lookup_per_lang=None)

Rearrange, modify or otherwise use the list of posts per classification and per language.

provide_context_and_uptodate(classification, lang, node=None)

Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of the given classifiation.


Given a list of parts in the hierarchy, return the classification string.


Set Nikola site.

should_generate_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

sort_classifications(classifications, lang, level=None)

Sort the given list of classification strings.

subcategories_list_template = 'list.tmpl'
template_for_classification_overview = None nikola.plugins.task.authors module

Render the author pages and feeds.

class nikola.plugins.task.authors.ClassifyAuthors

Bases: Taxonomy

Classify the posts by authors.

add_other_languages_variable = True
apply_to_pages = False
apply_to_posts = True
classification_name = 'author'
classify(post, lang)

Classify the given post for the given language.

get_classification_friendly_name(classification, lang, only_last_component=False)

Extract a friendly name from the classification.

get_other_language_variants(classification, lang, classifications_per_language)

Return a list of variants of the same author in other languages.

get_overview_path(lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the list of all classifications.

get_path(classification, lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the given classification.

has_hierarchy = False

Return True if this taxonomy is enabled, or False otherwise.

minimum_post_count_per_classification_in_overview = 1
more_than_one_classifications_per_post = False
name = 'classify_authors'
omit_empty_classifications = False
overview_page_variable_name = 'authors'
path_handler_docstrings = {'author': "Link to an author's page.\n\n        Example:\n\n        link://author/joe => /authors/joe.html", 'author_atom': "Link to an author's Atom feed.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://author_atom/joe => /authors/joe.atom", 'author_index': ' Link to the authors index.\n\n        Example:\n\n        link://authors/ => /authors/index.html', 'author_rss': "Link to an author's RSS feed.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://author_rss/joe => /authors/joe.xml"}
postprocess_posts_per_classification(posts_per_classification_per_language, flat_hierarchy_per_lang=None, hierarchy_lookup_per_lang=None)

Rearrange, modify or otherwise use the list of posts per classification and per language.

provide_context_and_uptodate(classification, lang, node=None)

Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of the given classifiation.


Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of all classifiations.


Set Nikola site.

template_for_classification_overview = 'authors.tmpl' nikola.plugins.task.bundles module

Bundle assets.

class nikola.plugins.task.bundles.BuildBundles

Bases: LateTask

Bundle assets.


Bundle assets.

name = 'create_bundles'

Given a theme chain, return the bundle definitions. nikola.plugins.task.categories module

Render the category pages and feeds.

class nikola.plugins.task.categories.ClassifyCategories

Bases: Taxonomy

Classify the posts by categories.

add_other_languages_variable = True
always_disable_atom = False
always_disable_rss = False
apply_to_pages = False
apply_to_posts = True
classification_name = 'category'
classify(post, lang)

Classify the given post for the given language.


Given a classification, return a list of parts in the hierarchy.

get_classification_friendly_name(classification, lang, only_last_component=False)

Extract a friendly name from the classification.

get_other_language_variants(classification, lang, classifications_per_language)

Return a list of variants of the same category in other languages.

get_overview_path(lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the list of all classifications.

get_path(classification, lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the given classification.

has_hierarchy = True
include_posts_from_subhierarchies = True
include_posts_into_hierarchy_root = False

Return True if this taxonomy is enabled, or False otherwise.

minimum_post_count_per_classification_in_overview = 1
more_than_one_classifications_per_post = False
name = 'classify_categories'
omit_empty_classifications = True
overview_page_hierarchy_variable_name = 'cat_hierarchy'
overview_page_items_variable_name = 'cat_items'
overview_page_variable_name = 'categories'
path_handler_docstrings = {'category': 'A link to a category. Takes page number as optional keyword argument.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://category/dogs => /categories/dogs.html', 'category_atom': "A link to a category's Atom feed.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://category_atom/dogs => /categories/dogs.atom", 'category_index': 'A link to the category index.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://category_index => /categories/index.html', 'category_rss': "A link to a category's RSS feed.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://category_rss/dogs => /categories/dogs.xml"}
postprocess_posts_per_classification(posts_per_classification_per_language, flat_hierarchy_per_lang=None, hierarchy_lookup_per_lang=None)

Rearrange, modify or otherwise use the list of posts per classification and per language.

provide_context_and_uptodate(classification, lang, node=None)

Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of the given classifiation.


Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of all classifiations.


Given a list of parts in the hierarchy, return the classification string.


Set site, which is a Nikola instance.

should_generate_atom_for_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates Atom feed for list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

should_generate_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

should_generate_rss_for_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates RSS feed for list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

show_list_as_subcategories_list = False
slugify_category_name(path, lang)

Slugify a category name.

slugify_tag_name(name, lang)

Slugify a tag name.

template_for_classification_overview = 'tags.tmpl' nikola.plugins.task.copy_assets module

Copy theme assets into output.

class nikola.plugins.task.copy_assets.CopyAssets

Bases: Task

Copy theme assets into output.


Create tasks to copy the assets of the whole theme chain.

If a file is present on two themes, use the version from the “youngest” theme.

name = 'copy_assets' nikola.plugins.task.copy_files module

Copy static files into the output folder.

class nikola.plugins.task.copy_files.CopyFiles

Bases: Task

Copy static files into the output folder.


Copy static files into the output folder.

name = 'copy_files' nikola.plugins.task.galleries module

Render image galleries.

class nikola.plugins.task.galleries.Galleries

Bases: Task, ImageProcessor

Render image galleries.


Given a list of galleries, create the output folders.


Given a list of galleries, put their paths into self.gallery_links.

create_target_images(img, input_path)

Copy images to output.

dates = {}

Find all galleries to be processed according to conf.py.

find_metadata(gallery, lang)

Search for a gallery metadata file.

If there is an metadata file for the gallery, use that to determine captions and the order in which images shall be displayed in the gallery. You only need to list the images if a specific ordering or caption is required. The metadata file is YAML-formatted, with field names of # name: caption: order: # If a numeric order value is specified, we use that directly, otherwise we depend on how the library returns the information - which may or may not be in the same order as in the file itself. Non-numeric ordering is not supported. If no caption is specified, then we return an empty string. Returns a string (l18n’d filename), list (ordering), dict (captions), dict (image metadata).

gallery_global_path(name, lang)

Link to the global gallery path, which contains all the images in galleries.

There is only one copy of an image on multilingual blogs, in the site root.

link://gallery_global/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html

link://gallery_global/trips/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html

(a gallery link could lead to eg. /en/galleries/trips/london/index.html)

gallery_path(name, lang)

Link to an image gallery’s path.

It will try to find a gallery with that name if it’s not ambiguous or with that path. For example:

link://gallery/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html

link://gallery/trips/london => /galleries/trips/london/index.html

gallery_rss(img_list, dest_img_list, img_titles, lang, permalink, output_path, title)

Create a RSS showing the latest images in the gallery.

This doesn’t use generic_rss_renderer because it doesn’t involve Post objects.

gallery_rss_path(name, lang)

Link to an image gallery’s RSS feed.

It will try to find a gallery with that name if it’s not ambiguous or with that path. For example:

link://gallery_rss/london => /galleries/trips/london/rss.xml

link://gallery_rss/trips/london => /galleries/trips/london/rss.xml


Render image galleries.


Get list of excluded images.


Get list of included images.

name = 'render_galleries'
parse_index(gallery, input_folder, output_folder)

Return a Post object if there is an index.txt.

remove_excluded_image(img, input_folder)

Remove excluded images.

Build the gallery index.


Set Nikola site. nikola.plugins.task.gzip module

Create gzipped copies of files.

class nikola.plugins.task.gzip.GzipFiles

Bases: TaskMultiplier

If appropiate, create tasks to create gzipped versions of files.

is_default = True
name = 'gzip'
process(task, prefix)

Process tasks.

nikola.plugins.task.gzip.create_gzipped_copy(in_path, out_path, command=None)

Create gzipped copy of in_path and save it as out_path. nikola.plugins.task.indexes module

Render the blog’s main index.

class nikola.plugins.task.indexes.Indexes

Bases: Taxonomy

Classify for the blog’s main index.

apply_to_pages = False
apply_to_posts = True
classification_name = 'index'
classify(post, lang)

Classify the given post for the given language.

get_classification_friendly_name(classification, lang, only_last_component=False)

Extract a friendly name from the classification.


Return a list of classification strings which should always appear in posts_per_classification.

get_path(classification, lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the given classification.

has_hierarchy = False
more_than_one_classifications_per_post = False
name = 'classify_indexes'
omit_empty_classifications = False
overview_page_variable_name = None
path_handler_docstrings = {'index': 'Link to a numbered index.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://index/3 => /index-3.html', 'index_atom': 'Link to a numbered Atom index.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://index_atom/3 => /index-3.atom', 'index_index': False, 'index_rss': 'A link to the RSS feed path.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://rss => /blog/rss.xml'}
provide_context_and_uptodate(classification, lang, node=None)

Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of the given classifiation.


Set Nikola site.

should_generate_atom_for_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates Atom feed for list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

should_generate_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

should_generate_rss_for_classification_page(classification, post_list, lang)

Only generates RSS feed for list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

show_list_as_index = True
template_for_classification_overview = None
template_for_single_list = 'index.tmpl' nikola.plugins.task.listings module

Render code listings.

class nikola.plugins.task.listings.Listings

Bases: Task

Render code listings.


Render pretty code listings.

listing_path(namep, lang)

Return a link to a listing.

It will try to use the file name if it’s not ambiguous, or the file path.


link://listing/hello.py => /listings/tutorial/hello.py.html

link://listing/tutorial/hello.py => /listings/tutorial/hello.py.html

listing_source_path(name, lang)

Return a link to the source code for a listing.

It will try to use the file name if it’s not ambiguous, or the file path.


link://listing_source/hello.py => /listings/tutorial/hello.py

link://listing_source/tutorial/hello.py => /listings/tutorial/hello.py

name = 'render_listings'
register_output_name(input_folder, rel_name, rel_output_name)

Register proper and improper file mappings.


Set Nikola site. nikola.plugins.task.page_index module

Render the page index.

class nikola.plugins.task.page_index.PageIndex

Bases: Taxonomy

Classify for the page index.

always_disable_atom = True
always_disable_rss = True
apply_to_pages = True
apply_to_posts = False
classification_name = 'page_index_folder'
classify(post, lang)

Classify the given post for the given language.


Given a classification, return a list of parts in the hierarchy.

get_classification_friendly_name(dirname, lang, only_last_component=False)

Extract a friendly name from the classification.

get_path(hierarchy, lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the given classification.

has_hierarchy = True
include_posts_from_subhierarchies = False

Return True if this taxonomy is enabled, or False otherwise.

more_than_one_classifications_per_post = False
name = 'classify_page_index'
omit_empty_classifications = True
overview_page_variable_name = 'page_folder'
path_handler_docstrings = {'page_index_folder': None, 'page_index_folder_atom': None, 'page_index_folder_index': None, 'page_index_folder_rss': None}
provide_context_and_uptodate(dirname, lang, node=None)

Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of the given classifiation.


Given a list of parts in the hierarchy, return the classification string.

should_generate_classification_page(dirname, post_list, lang)

Only generates list of posts for classification if this function returns True.

show_list_as_index = False
template_for_classification_overview = None
template_for_single_list = 'list.tmpl' nikola.plugins.task.pages module

Render pages into output.

class nikola.plugins.task.pages.RenderPages

Bases: Task

Render pages into output.


Build final pages from metadata and HTML fragments.

name = 'render_pages' nikola.plugins.task.posts module

Build HTML fragments from metadata and text.

class nikola.plugins.task.posts.RenderPosts

Bases: Task

Build HTML fragments from metadata and text.

dependence_on_timeline(post, lang)

Check if a post depends on the timeline.


Build HTML fragments from metadata and text.

name = 'render_posts'
nikola.plugins.task.posts.update_deps(post, lang, task)

Update file dependencies as they might have been updated during compilation.

This is done for example by the ReST page compiler, which writes its dependencies into a .dep file. This file is read and incorporated when calling post.fragment_deps(), and only available /after/ compiling the fragment. nikola.plugins.task.redirect module

Generate redirections.

class nikola.plugins.task.redirect.Redirect

Bases: Task

Generate redirections.


Generate redirections tasks.

name = 'redirect' nikola.plugins.task.robots module

Generate a robots.txt file.

class nikola.plugins.task.robots.RobotsFile

Bases: LateTask

Generate a robots.txt file.


Generate a robots.txt file.

name = 'robots_file' nikola.plugins.task.scale_images module

Resize images and create thumbnails for them.

class nikola.plugins.task.scale_images.ScaleImage

Bases: Task, ImageProcessor

Resize images and create thumbnails for them.


Copy static files into the output folder.

name = 'scale_images'
process_image(src, dst, thumb)

Resize an image.

process_tree(src, dst)

Process all images in a src tree and put the (possibly) rescaled images in the dst folder. nikola.plugins.task.sitemap module

Generate a sitemap.

class nikola.plugins.task.sitemap.Sitemap

Bases: LateTask

Generate a sitemap.


Generate a sitemap.


Get last modification date.

name = 'sitemap'

Return the path of a base URL if it contains one.

>>> get_base_path('http://some.site') == '/'
>>> get_base_path('http://some.site/') == '/'
>>> get_base_path('http://some.site/some/sub-path') == '/some/sub-path/'
>>> get_base_path('http://some.site/some/sub-path/') == '/some/sub-path/'
True nikola.plugins.task.sources module

Copy page sources into the output.

class nikola.plugins.task.sources.Sources

Bases: Task

Copy page sources into the output.


Publish the page sources into the output.

name = 'render_sources' nikola.plugins.task.tags module

Render the tag pages and feeds.

class nikola.plugins.task.tags.ClassifyTags

Bases: Taxonomy

Classify the posts by tags.

add_other_languages_variable = True
always_disable_atom = False
always_disable_rss = False
apply_to_pages = False
apply_to_posts = True
classification_name = 'tag'
classify(post, lang)

Classify the given post for the given language.

get_classification_friendly_name(classification, lang, only_last_component=False)

Extract a friendly name from the classification.

get_other_language_variants(classification, lang, classifications_per_language)

Return a list of variants of the same tag in other languages.

get_overview_path(lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the list of all classifications.

get_path(classification, lang, dest_type='page')

Return a path for the given classification.

has_hierarchy = False

Return True if this taxonomy is enabled, or False otherwise.

more_than_one_classifications_per_post = True
name = 'classify_tags'
omit_empty_classifications = True
overview_page_items_variable_name = 'items'
overview_page_variable_name = 'tags'
path_handler_docstrings = {'tag': "A link to a tag's page. Takes page number as optional keyword argument.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://tag/cats => /tags/cats.html", 'tag_atom': "A link to a tag's Atom feed.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://tag_atom/cats => /tags/cats.atom", 'tag_index': 'A link to the tag index.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://tag_index => /tags/index.html', 'tag_rss': "A link to a tag's RSS feed.\n\nExample:\n\nlink://tag_rss/cats => /tags/cats.xml"}
postprocess_posts_per_classification(posts_per_classification_per_language, flat_hierarchy_per_lang=None, hierarchy_lookup_per_lang=None)

Rearrange, modify or otherwise use the list of posts per classification and per language.

provide_context_and_uptodate(classification, lang, node=None)

Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of the given classifiation.


Provide data for the context and the uptodate list for the list of all classifiations.


Set site, which is a Nikola instance.

show_list_as_subcategories_list = False
slugify_tag_name(name, lang)

Slugify a tag name.

template_for_classification_overview = 'tags.tmpl' nikola.plugins.task.taxonomies module

Render the taxonomy overviews, classification pages and feeds.

class nikola.plugins.task.taxonomies.RenderTaxonomies

Bases: Task

Render taxonomy pages and feeds.


Render the tag pages and feeds.

name = 'render_taxonomies'